We are so excited today because it is finally Launch day for our new Winter Range! We know a lot of you are excited too! The range will be available online tonight at 8pm daylight savings time (Melbourne time). Follow us on instagram and facebook so you can be up to date for the release.

This range goes up to a size 3 years and a lot of people are asking me why only size 3!? Well, it is because when I was designing this range, I thought I would try and just focus on baby and toddler clothing, rather than trying to cater for bigger kids too. But now I have changed my mind again (haha) and the next range will go to a size 6 - so don't worry, if you can just wait another 6 months, we will have bigger sizes!

So whats everyone's favourite piece so far? Have you been checking out all our previews?


Beautiful Bear Cub flatlay by @mikzuzu on instagram

Up close with our new Skull Harems. Shoes by Pretty Brave.

@taneyha on instagram modelling our new Unicorn Bodysuit

February 01, 2017 — andrea goulding


ljntipigoi said:

Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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